What is the Average Engagement Ring Size?
Choosing to get engaged is an exciting time, especially if you are going to surprise your partner with a proposal. But this does mean that you must choose the ring by yourself, and take a chance on not only getting the design right, but also the size. It can feel like an almost impossible challenge, but it is quite possible to work out your partner's ring size without directly asking them outright!
Before you get to this point though, you might consider proposing without a ring in hand, and taking them to a jeweler at some point after the proposal has been accepted so they can choose the diamonds and the ring setting that they like. Some partners might not like the idea of having such an important piece of jewelry chosen without any input, so do make sure that you know your partner's preferences in that department before browsing available engagement rings!
Photo by Char Beck Photography
If you are certain that they will love it, the law or averages should work in your favor. In America, the average woman is 5 foot 4 inches tall, and has a ring finger that measures somewhere between a size 5 and a size 7. You can use that information to work out if she is smaller or taller than average, and increase or decrease the size of the ring accordingly!
The average man in the USA is about 5 foot 9 inches tall, with a ring size of between 9 and 11, and, just as above, it will be easy enough to compare your partner's height to see where they fall in the range of averages.
But do bear in mind that you can easily get it wrong: petite women can have surprisingly thick fingers, and some men have very slender hands! The law of averages does not always play out fairly! One useful trick is to buy a ring a size bigger than you think you will need, and then have it made a little smaller should it need it: but do bear in mind that the design of some rings preclude the ring's size being adjusted.
Photo by Angela and Evan Photography
If this is the scenario you find yourself in, and you are worried and want to get it exactly right, there are some sneaky ways that can help you to find out.
You can find a way to ask them their ring size without seeming to. Buy a ring for yourself, in what you think is pretty close to their size. Try it on in front of them and find out it's the wrong size for you. Oh dear, you can say, I've bought this ring way too big/ small! It looks like it might fit you! Try it on, for a giggle, then I'll take it back tomorrow! Hopefully, they will play along, try the ring on and laugh that it fits, or let you know that it's too big or small. In this way, you can work out, fairly accurately what their size is, and buy the ring with confidence!
Another way to do it is, as long as you know that they are deep sleepers, is to carefully measure their finger while they sleep. Slip a piece of string or thread around their finger and gently pull it snug. Mark the point where the two ends cross, and then slip the string off their finger again, hopefully having not disturbed them too much! Measure the circumference of their finger in millimeters, to two decimal places for the most accurate sizing – and do remember to check to make sure the ring will slide over their knuckles! Some people have very prominent knuckles and must wear rings that will fit over these!
If your partner begins to worry about what you are up to, surprise them by proposing early and inviting them along to the ring buying event! There is something timeless about choosing diamonds with the person you love most in the world!
If you’re planning to get engaged over the holidays and need help planning your engagement or wedding day, contact New Creations Weddings today! We can help!